
I'm not an expert in any area, but I can share what has worked for me and my crew. On this blog, you'll find sanity and money saving tips for moms and families on the go.

Survey rewards

I currently participate in 2 online survey reward sites.  Although they are not "get rich quick" solutions, they have been fun and offered interesting product testing.  Both of them also offer extra rewards for kids' participation. The most I've earned at one time is $20 for participating in an online focus group. In addition to earning money, you can choose online and in-store gift cards.  If you do choose money, you must have a verified paypal account.  Recent surveys have included several product tests, including decorative paper plates and a well known carbonated soda.  I know there are more than 2 reward sites, but these are two that I'm familiar with and that I've had no problem with.


Opinion Place

Quizno's coupon

Get a small sub at Quizno's for $2.99.  Join their email club and they'll give you a coupon for a free cookie.Quizno's $2.99 coupon


Did you know there's a credit report for bank accounts??? Neither did I until I read it recently on another site I follow. Just like regular credit reports, you are entitled to one FREE bank account credit report per year. You can request the report online or via snail mail. The report is provided by Chexsystems. Here's link: https://www.consumerdebit.com/consumerinfo/us/en/index.htm


Valid Tuesday 3/22 only, get a FREE kids meal at Chili's with the purchase of an Adult entree. You must have a coupon, click here to get it: http://chilis.zuberance.com/offersV2/singleOfferBuy/22747381
Be sure to read the legalese for restrictions, etc.

Thanks Birmingham Bargain Mom for post.